1 Camp Hosp...1st Military Hospital(2nd Health Battalion)... 11 Field Ambulance (11 Close Health)... Members, Friends and Associates
Hack, Alex Hage, Ricky Haigh, Adrian Haigh, Kelli Haigh, Liat Hale, Craig Hale, Vince Hall, Cheryl Hall, Stuart Hallam, Greg Halse, Rod Hamblin, Frances Hammeton, Ted Hammond, Stephen/ 'Steve'/ 'Happy Hammond' Hanckel, Robyn Hanisch, Susan Hanley,Kevin Hannah, Alan /'Al' Hannay, Nick Hanney, Gerry Hanney, John (Past PMC Sgts Mess) Hanney, Peggy Hanning, Jamie Hanson, Alex Hanson, John Hanssen, Alec Hardy, Simon Harley, George Harmer, Tania Harmer,Wallace /'Wally' Harper, Ange Harper, Des Harper, Donata Harper, Doug Harper, Patty Harold, Boyd /'Harry' Harris, Ashley Harris, Kathy Harrison, Ben Harrison, Peter Hartigan, Norm (RIP) Hartikainen, Jude Harvey, Darrall / 'Dags' (Past PMC Sgts Mess) Harvey, Judit / Brinner/' Jude' Harvey, Kay Harvey, Peter / 'Slim' Harvie, Craig Haslem, Lloyd Hatwell, Mal Hatwell, Maureen Hausler, Jenni Havers, Brian Hay, Diane Hay, Phillip / 'Phil' Hayden, Julie Hayes, Greg Hayes, Marion Hayler, Patrick / 'Pat' Haynes, David Hazeledean, Tim Hector, Tristan Heffernan, Ted Hehr, Ray Heidi, Wallace Heieck, Ed Heinjus, Christopher /'Chris'/ 'Rusty' (Founder 1st Military Hospital Virtual Digger James Club Site Facebook & Rhyndarra Website) Hellyer, Matt Hellwig, Peter /'Moose' Hemming, Steven /'Steve' Hemsley, Don Henderling, Peter /'Pierre' Henderson, Daniel Henderson, David /'Dave'/ 'Pommie' Henderson, Robyn Henderson,Robert/ 'Bob' Hendrickson, James / 'Jim' Henstridge, Bert Herman, Neville Heugh, Michael (CO Feb 1984 - Apr 1986) Hewett, Bob Hickey, Gary Hicks, Gary Higgins, Jack Hill, Steven Hindom, Charlie Hindom, Laurie Hirsch, Ian Hocking, Janet Hodge, Catherine /'Gay' Hodge, Jon Hodson, Kay Hodson, Kerry Hoffman, Norm Hogan, Donna Hogarth, Beryl Hoggart, Jim Holden, Chez Holland, Clinton Hollaway, Anne Hollister, Anne Holmes, Greg Holmes, Jim Holt. David / 'Dave' Holz, Alann Honig, Kane Hoole, Peter Hopcraft, Margaret /Ahearn /'Maggie' Horlin-Turner, Cath Hough, Ray Howard, Carol Howard, Maureen / Stanley Howells, David Howells, Shirley? Hubble, Chris Hughes, Chris Hughes, Kathy Hughes, R - BEM (Past PMC Sgts Mess) Hulsing, Peter Hume, Craig Hungerford, Carole / Bains Hunt, Brett Hunt, Densely Hunt, Julie / Blackshaw / Brown Hunt, Sue Hurley, Sean (RIP) Hutchins, Gary Hutchins, Lorraine/ Jones Hutchinson, Leonie Hutton, Dave, (RMO) Huxtable, Sonya Hyder, Angelo Hyder, Leanne Hyland, Jenny Hyland, Paul Hymus, John Hyndman, Kerry Illingworth, Bruce Inch, Jenny Irvine, Alison / Stewart Irvine, Matthew Irwin, Grant Iselin, Greg /'Izzie' Itzstien, Ray Jablonski, Jeff/ 'Bloggs' Jackman, Katherine Jackson, Ann James, Adam James, Barbara (Wife of Digger James) James, Reya James, Ron James, William Brian / 'Digger' James, William Brian / 'Digger' -AC, AO (Mil), MBE, MC, OStJ. (OC 8 Fd Amb, DGAHS and Past President RSL National Australia)RIP Sir James, William (Son of Digger and Barbara James) Jamieson, Annette/Craig Jamieson, James/ 'Jim' Jamieson, Jeff Janosevic, Stevan /'Jeno' /'Steve' Janssen, Harry Janssen,Maria Jarvis, Ian Jarvis, Robyn Jefferson, Vicki-Lee Jeffery RJ (CO Feb 1978 - Sep 1979) Jellatt, Wayne Jenkins, David /'Dave' Jennings, Hayley Jennings, Michael Jennings, Pom Jesenkovic, Elizabeth / 'Liz' Jocheim, HAN (Company Sgt 1 Camp Hospital Jul 1954 - May 1956) Jocumsen, Terri Johnson, Ray /'Jonno' (RIP) Johnson, Shaun Johnston, David Johnston, Doug Johnston, Fay Johnston, Sandra Johnstone, Paul Johnstone, Tony Joiner, Mandy Jones, Chris Jones, David Jones, Geoff ( Ex editor Paulatim Magazine) Jones, Jas Jones, Joy Jones, Julie Jones, Paul /'Buddha' Jones, Paula Jones, Robert Jones, Stuart / 'Stewie' Jongeling, Peter Jonkitus, ? Josephs, Andrea Josey, Ken Josling, David Joyce, Brian Joyce, Helen Jubb, Stephen Justo, Linda Kabbanack, John Kaeding, Neville Kaderle, Michael Kafca, Frank Kaine, Neville Karen Hennessy Kay, Joan Kay, Libby Kay, Russell Kearney, Steven Keep, Kylie Keft, Keith Kelly, Dan Kelly, Fred Kelly, JP Kelly, Murray Kelly, Trish Kembrey, Vicki Kemp, Annie Kemp, Lorry Kempin, Julius /'JJ' Kendrick, Kelly Kennedy, Dave Kennedy, RJ (CO Dec 1969 - Dec 1972) Kennedy, Tony Kerr, Terry Kessell, William /'Bill' Kettelty, Dean Kileen, David / 'Tiny' Kilmurray, Vicki King, John Kingsman, Netta Kinloch, Sharron /Cullen Kiss, Cameron Klein, Joanne Klopf, Paul Knaggs, Isabel Knaggs, Karl Knaggs, Lisa Knight, Merv Knowles, John - ED (CO Nov 1983- Feb 1984) (RIP) Knowles, Rick Krecos, Con Krikke, Alan Kristel, Helena /'Helen' Laidlaw, Bill Lally, Damon / 'Bugs' Lambert, Steve Lambie, Jacqui (Senator) Lambie, John (Lt Col MBE) (RIP) Lamensdorf, Jean Lamers, Johan/ 'Cliff' Lander, Dan Landsman, Tyrone Lane, Kay Langford, Allana /Wheelan Langford, Wayne /'Shorty' - OAM Langley, Alwyn /'Al' Langley, Jenni Lanigan, Mick Lannigan, Wayne Lansley, Sean Lark, Gary (SAS/UM) Larkin, Diane Larkin, Mick Lauder, Kathy Lavrencic, Marcel Lawerson, Rod Lawerson, Sue/ Wines Lawler, Kevin Lawreance, Laurie Lawrence, David Laws, Peter Laws, Trudy Lawson, Rick Le Boyre-Rooke, Janene Le Fleur, Peppi Le May, Douglas /'Doug' Leak, David Leaver, Aaron Leaver, Natalie Lee, David /'Dave' Lee, Garry Lee, Margaret/Jarred Leggett, Shelly Legrand, Alan L’Huiller, Damian Lehmann, Peter Leonard, Scott LtCol Lempriere, WW Lethlean, Max Levesque, Mark Levin, Simon Lewers, Lt Col (RIP) Lewin, Narelle /Williams Lewis, Lyn /Hough Lewis, Terry Liebeck, Michael / 'Mick' Lilley, Ken (One of the few-Perhaps the only one - to be an OR, a SGT and an Officer at 1 Mil Hospital) Lim, Andrew Lindeman, Hans Lindner, Glenys Lindsay, Frank Lindsay, Sue Liner, Sab Liquorish, Cheryl /Joyce Liquorish, William /'Bill' Little, Sue Little, Vic Locher, Ilona /'Blue' Logan, Jean Logeman, Mark Lomax, Tom Love, Meridith Love, William Ian Robert 'Willie'/ 'Will'/ 'Lovey' (RIP) Loveridge, Rick Lowrie, Alan Lowrie, Mark Lucas, Geoff Lucas, Tim Lucjan, John Lucjan, Noelene -OAM (Past PMC Sgts Mess) Luck, Aggie Luck, Karl Lucks, Steve Ludwell, Joanne Lt Col Luscombe, Tony (RIP) Lush, David Lyall, Trevor Lynch, D (Past PMC Sgts Mess) Lynch, Mark Lyons-Killmore, Jenni Lyons, Wayne MacCallum, Leigh Mackie, Alan Mackie, John MacKenzie, Alastair McKenzie, Donna MacKenzie, Paul Mackintosh, Owen Maclennan, Ian Macleod, Lewis Maddern, John MID Maddison, Ian Maddox, John /'Mad Dog' /'Fonzie' (RIP) Magnusson, Paul, 'P.J.' (RIP) Mahon, Andrew Mahon, Karen /Kitchener (Past PMC DJ Club) Mallia, Natalie Malone, Shaneb/ 'Marles' Manning, Colin Mannion, Glenn March, David/ 'Dave' March, Nev Marchment, Colleen / Rusk Marcollo, Shane / 'Pops' / 'Ace' Marki, Hans Marks, Joanne /'Jo' (Past PMC DJ Club) Marlow, Adam Marr, Gordon Marsden, George Marsden, Kay Marsh, Bronwyn Marsh, Michael Marsh, Neville Marshall, Andrew Marshall, Peter Martin, Leigh Martin, Robby Martin, Tobi Masotti, Niblett, Robert 'Bobby' (RIP) Nick Massey, John Masters, Zena Matheson, WJ /'Bill' (RIP) Matthews, Elizabeth /‘Liz’ Matthews, Lyndon Matthews, Wayne Mattsson, David /'Dave' Mawhinney, Ray McAndrew, Keith /'Speed' McBain, Garth McBeath, ? /'Jungles' McBurnie, Noel McCann, Kerrie McCann, Mary McCarthy, Colin McCarthy, Jason McCarthy, Perdita 'Dita' M Brigadier RRC (RIP) McCarty, Hugh McCauley, John McClellan, James McClellan, Michael / 'Mick' / 'Kojak' (RIP) McLeod-Robertson, Stephen McCoy, Lindsay McCrae, Shane McDade, Josh McDonald, Kerry McDonald, Kevin J McDonald, Louise McDonald, Richard (Macca) McDonald, Sian (nee Hawker) McDougall, Anne McEwan, John (RIP) McFarlane, Scott McGaw,Trevor McGillvray, Ann McGinley, Mark McGregor, Katrina McGuinness, Glen McGurgan, Anne McIntyre, David /'Dave' (RIP) McKay, Athol J (CO Oct 1992-Jan 1993) McKay, Jenny McKay, Noel McKay, Robby McKay, Robyn McKenzie, Bill (RIP) McKenzie, Donna McKenzie, Fiona McKenzie, Paul McKindley, Anthony / Tony ( Ex RSM 2 HSB) McKnight, David McLachlan, Michael / 'Jock' McLachlan, Owen McLachlan, William Thomas /'Bill' (RIP) McLanders, Tom McLeod, Cliff McLeod, Rod McLeod-Robertson, Steven/'Steve' McLlellan, James McMahon, Jason McMillan, Neil McMullen, Wallace / 'Wally' (RIP) McNamara, Marie Roseina LTCOL (SNO -1992) (RIP ) McNamara, Monica McNamara-Mossman, Cherryl Lt Col McNeil, Andrew McNeil, Sue McKnight, James /'Jim' McRae, Norma McWilliam, David / 'Dave' /'Shakey' (RIP) Mealy, Colleen Medcraft, Brian Meldrum, Andrew Meldrum, Sharlene Mellor, Gary Mellowship, A /'Blue' (Past PMC Sgts Mess) Menadue, Bob Meniere, Andy Meredith, Darron Merrifield, Tony Merrilees, Ian Merriman, Kathy Merritt, Kim,(Max) Meuller, Kaye Meunier, John Meyer, Luke Milburn, Ian Millar, Francis 'Fran'/'Franny' (RIP) Millar, Robert G 'Rob' (CO Jan 1993-Dec 1995) Miller, Debbie Miller, Devlin Miller, Drew Miller, Paul Miller, Phil Miller, Sid Milligan, Narelle Mills, Rodney /'Rod' Milne, DA (Company Sgt 1 Camp Hospital Aug 1952 - Sep 1952) Milne, Nevelle Bruce JP (Qual) / 'Brugo'/ Bullet' / 'Milney' (Past PMC DJ Club) Mina, Minas Mionet, Colin / 'Col' Miranda, Serge Mitchell, Gary Mitchell, Leslie /'Les' (Past PMC DJ Club) Mitchell, Lyn Mitchell, Roger Mitchell, Stephen Moffat, John Mogensen, Jim Mogensen, Juanita Moon, Michael /'Mick' Moon, Valerie Moore, Kelvin /'Kel' Moore, Shane Moore, Steven Moore, Terry Moran, Taryn / 'Breaker' Morgan, David / 'Dave' /'Mad Dog' Morrison, Murray /'Muzz' 'Morrie' (Past PMC Sgts Mess) Morrow, Vic Mortimer, Brian /'Mort' (Past PMC Sgts Mess) Morton, Reece Motley, Glenn Muddle, Lindsay /'Muddles'/ 'Muds' Muir, HA (OC 1 Camp Hosp Mar 1958 - Mar 1959) Muirhead, Richard Mulcair, Ken (RAN) Mulford, Adam (Son-in -Law of Kevin 'Smokey ' Dawson) Mulford, Natalie (Daughter of Kevin 'Smokey ' Dawson) Muller, Jeff Mumme, Geoff (RIP) Mundy, Brian Murphy, John Murphy, Patricia Murphy, Phil Murphy, Thea / 'Spud' Murray, Andre Murray, Tom (RIP) Musumeci, Cris Muzak, Heinz Myhill, David Naismith, Rhonda (Present EA to DGAHS) Nankervis, Helen Nasveld, Peter Naughton, June /Minchow Naughton, Michael / 'Mike' -OBE (CO Sep 1975 -Mar 1977) Neenan, John Neill/Stacey,Susan Nelson, Geoff Nelson, Tim Nesbitt, TerriAnne Newchurch, Corrie / Hellyer Newchurch, John / 'Smokey'/'Mundo' Newell, Annette Newell, Leslie Newman, Desley / Hunt Newman, Keith (Past PMC DJ Club)(RIP) Newmann, Michaela Newton, George Ney, Bernadette (RIP) Niblett, Robert / 'Bobby' (RIP) Niblock, Danny Nichole, Kim Nicholls, George Nicholls, Jennifer Nielsen, Ben Noland, Ron Norcott, Alan Norquay, Cheryl Norris-Gilmore, Robyn North, John Norton, Joanne / Sidwell, Norton, Peter /'Bull' (Past PMC DJ Club) Noy, Lisa